Logo for Wilson Audio's 50th Anniversary

Gel Coater

Gel Coating is one of the "in-between" processes in the completion of a Wilson Audio loudspeaker. It's completely invisible in the finished product, and yet it is critical to the durability and beauty of every loudspeaker we produce. Clint Odom, who is Wilson's "master Gel Coater" shows us the process, but, more importantly, talks about the meaning and satisfaction he derives from being part of a guild of craftspeople, each one dedicated to the part they play in the creation of the whole.

Wilson Audio in the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Recording Studio

Alexandria at the Venetian, 2011

30 Year Reunion


Wilson Audio at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest


Music Lovers Event

Gel Coater

Sleeping on Sonex

Master Painter

Debuting Sophia 3 at the Definitive Audio Home Theater Experience June 2010

The Drive

Introducing Sophia Series 3

Building a New Loudspeaker: The Creation of Sophia Series 3

Dave Wilson talks about new Sophia 3

Wilson Audio at the Ferrari Challenge

Another Father and Son

A Brief History of Cabinet Materials at Wilson Audio